Werner Dietl
wdietl@uwaterloo.ca, Room EIT 4007
Publications by Topic
Also see my publications by date.
- Building and Using Pluggable Type-Checkers (Software Engineering in Practice Track, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2011)
- We built a series of pluggable type checkers using the Checker Framework, and evaluated them on 2 million lines of code, finding hundreds of bugs in the process.
- EnerJ: Approximate Data Types for Safe and General Low-Power Computation — Full Proofs (TR, 2011)
- EnerJ is an extension to Java that adds approximate data types to allow programmers to expose hardware faults in a safe, principled manner in order to reduce energy consumption.
- EnerJ: Approximate Data Types for Safe and General Low-Power Computation (Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2011)
- EnerJ is an extension to Java that adds approximate data types to allow programmers to expose hardware faults in a safe, principled manner in order to reduce energy consumption.
- A type system for regular expressions (Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP), 2012)
- Practical experience designing and using a type system for regular expressions.
- Verification Games: Making Verification Fun (Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP), 2012)
- An overview of the Verification Games project and Pipe Jam prototype game.
- ReIm & ReImInfer: Checking and inference of reference immutability and method purity (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2012)
- ReIm, a type system for reference immutability, and ReImInfer, a corresponding type inference analysis.
- Type Annotations, the Checker Framework, and JML (The Java Modeling Language., 2013)
- JavaUI: Effects for Controlling UI Object Access (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2013)
- JavaUI is a type and effect system that prevents non-UI threads from accessing UI objects or invoking UI-thread-only methods.
- Annotations on Java types (2014)
- This is the Proposed Final Draft of the specification of type annotations in Java 8.
- Collaborative verification of information flow for a high-assurance app store (Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2014)
- An information-flow type system is effective at preventing malicious apps from an app store.
- Lessons Learned in Game Development for Crowdsourced Software Formal Verification (USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games, and Gamification in Security Education (3GSE), 2015)
- Crowd-sourcing provides the promise of making formal verification cheaper and thus more prevalent. This paper overviews 5 games by which unskilled people can perform program verification tasks.
- Static analysis of implicit control flow: Resolving Java reflection and Android intents (Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2015)
- Standard program analysis understand control flow through direct procedure calls. This paper provides analyses that resolve uses of Java reflecton and the data passed in Android intents.
- Granullar: Gradual Nullable Types for Java (Compiler Construction (CC), 2017)
- Granullar is a gradual type system for null-safety.
- Don't Miss the End: Preventing Unsafe End-of-File Comparisons (NASA Formal Methods, 2018)
- A type system that prevents unsafe EOF value comparisons statically.
- Precise Inference of Expressive Units of Measurement Types (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2020)
- Scalability and Precision by Combining Expressive Type Systems and Deductive Verification (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2021)
- Least-Privilege Calls to Amazon Web Services (IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022)
- Scalable and Precise Refinement Types for Imperative Languages (International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM) PhD symposium, 2023)
- OppropBERL: A GNN and BERT-style Reinforcement Learning-based Type Inference System (IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) short papers, 2024)
Object Ownership
- A Type System for Checking Applet Isolation in Java Card (Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure and Interoperable Smart devices (CASSIS), 2004)
- A refined type system for Java Card that enables static checking of applet isolation.
- Exceptions in Ownership Type Systems (Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP), 2004)
- Possible exception handling in different ownership type systems.
- Universes: Lightweight Ownership for JML (Journal of Object Technology (JOT), Special Issue: ECOOP 2004 Workshop FTfJP, 2005)
- Introduction to object ownership and the Universe type system.
- Four papers (Annual Report, 2006)
- Two articles and two summaries in the annual report.
- Formalization of Generic Universe Types (TR, 2006)
- Generic Universe Types are an ownership type system for a Java-like programming language with generic types that enforces the owner-as-modifier discipline.
- Four papers (Annual Report, 2007)
- Three summaries and one reprint in the annual report.
- Generic Universe Types (Foundations and Developments of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL/WOOD), 2007)
- Generic Universe Types are an ownership type system for a Java-like programming language with generic types that enforces the owner-as-modifier discipline.
- Generic Universe Types (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2007)
- Generic Universe Types are an ownership type system for a Java-like programming language with generic types that enforces the owner-as-modifier discipline.
- 2007 State of the Universe Address (International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in object-oriented programming (IWACO), 2007)
- This position paper summarizes recent developments related to the Universe type system and suggests directions for future work.
- Runtime Universe Type Inference (International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in object-oriented programming (IWACO), 2007)
- Inference of Universe types using traces of program executions.
- Three papers (Annual Report, 2008)
- Reprints of three articles in the annual report.
- Ownership Type Systems and Dependent Classes (Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL), 2008)
- The topology of different ownership type systems can be expressed on top of dependent classes, a generalization of virtual classes.
- JML Reference Manual (2008)
- Work on the Universe type system chapter.
- Universe Type System — Quick-Reference (2008)
- Quick reference for the Universe type system, providing an overview and summarizing the type rules and the usage of the tools.
- Universe Types for Topology and Encapsulation (Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO), 2008)
- Extensive type-theoretic account of the Universe Type System, with explanations and complete proofs, and the clean separation of the topological from the encapsulation concerns.
- Comparing Universes and Existential Ownership Types (International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in object-oriented programming (IWACO), 2009)
- Formalizes a parametric ownership system with existential quantification of contexts and gives a formal translation between programs written in this language and using Universe types.
- Comparing Universes and Existential Ownership Types (TR, 2009)
- Formalizes a parametric ownership system with existential quantification of contexts and gives a formal translation between programs written in this language and using Universe types.
- Tunable Universe Type Inference (TR, 2009)
- A tunable type inference for Universe types.
- Universe Types: Topology, Encapsulation, Genericity, and Tools (Ph.D. dissertation, 2009)
- Generic Universe Types are a sound, lightweight ownership type system for type-generic object-oriented programming languages, which cleanly separates the ownership topology from the owner-as-modifier encapsulation discipline and is supported by a comprehensive set of tools. Thesis nominated by ETH Zurich for the 2009 GI Outstanding Dissertation Award.
- Universe Types: Topology, Encapsulation, Genericity, and Tools (2010)
- Available in German only. See [DietlPhD09].
- Separating ownership topology and encapsulation with Generic Universe Types (ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 2011)
- Generic Universe Types structure the heap hierarchically and separate the enforcement of an ownership topology from an encapsulation system.
- Tunable Static Inference for Generic Universe Types (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2011)
- A tunable static type inference for Generic Universe Types.
- Inference and Checking of Object Ownership (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2012)
- A static type inference for Universe Types and Ownership Types.
- Object Ownership in Program Verification (Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming, 2013)
- We present two ownership systems that have been designed specifically to support program verification — Universe Types and Spec#'s Dynamic Ownership — and explain their applications in program verification, illustrated through a series of Spec# examples.
- A Computational Complexity Analysis of Tunable Type Inference for Generic Universe Types (Theoretical Computer Science, 2020)
Image Watermarking
- Watermark Security via High-Resolution Wavelet Filter Parametrization (International Scientific Conference, Section 1: Applied Mathematics, 2002)
- Improving the Security of Wavelet-based Watermarking Systems (Masters thesis, 2002)
- This thesis presents two methods to improve the security of wavelet-based watermarking systems and analyzes their properties in detail. It won the Excellent Diploma Thesis Award from the Austrian Computer Society (OCG, http://www.ocg.at/).
- Key-dependent Pyramidal Wavelet Domains for Secure Watermark Embedding (Electronic Imaging, Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents V, 2003)
- Using wavelet filter parametrization to add security to wavelet based watermarking schemes.
- Protection of Wavelet-based Watermarking Systems using Filter Parametrization (Signal Processing (Special Issue on Security of Data Hiding Technologies), 2003)
- Using wavelet filter parametrization as a means to add security to wavelet-based watermarking schemes.
- Watermark Security via Secret Wavelet Packet Subband Structures (Communications and Multimedia Security, 2003)
- Using the vast amount of possible wavelet packet decomposition structures to create a secret wavelet domain that improves the security of watermarking schemes.
- Robustness against Unauthorized Watermark Removal Attacks via Key-dependent Wavelet Packet Subband Structures (International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2004)
- Using random wavelet packet decompositions to increase the security of watermarking systems against unauthorized removal attacks.
- Key-Dependency for a Wavelet-Based Blind Watermarking Algorithm (Multimedia and Security Workshop, 2004)
- Embedding multiple watermarks in the wavelet domain.
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