Werner Dietl
wdietl@uwaterloo.ca, Room EIT 4007
Student Project: Universe Type System for Scala
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“Universe Type System for Scala” by Daniel Schregenberger. June 2007. Master's thesis.
Scala combines the object-oriented and functional paradigms to an expressive programming language. It supports the creation of class hierarchies known from object-oriented languages like Java or C# and at the same time allows to model algebraic types through pattern matching, as found in many functional programming languages.
The Universe type system applies the concept of ownership to Java-like languages and allows to control object modification and thereby maintain invariants. It does so by controlling aliasing without restricting it.
This thesis presents an ownership type system for Scala and other Java-like programming languages. It combines support for type genericity with path-dependent types to extend the static expressiveness of the Universe type system.
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BibTeX entry:
@unpublished{DSchregenberger07, author = {Daniel Schregenberger}, title = {{Universe Type System for Scala}}, month = jun, note = {Master's thesis} }
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