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“Static Universe Type Inference using a SAT-Solver” by Matthias Niklaus. June 2006. Master's thesis.


The Universe type system allows to restrict the possible aliasing in object-oriented programs and thereby enables static reasoning about individual components. Compared to other ownership type systems, the Universe type system is lightweight, but annotating existing software is still a considerable effort. To ease the effort of annotation, static inference of Universe modifiers from Java source code is an interesting problem. In this work, we investigated the use of pseudo-boolean optimizers to find Universe annotations. To show the benefit of the new backend we implemented a new static Universe type inferer. The results reveal that also heavy annotated programs can be typed correctly. This report presents the architecture, implementation, and results of the new tool.

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BibTeX entry:

   author = {Matthias Niklaus},
   title = {{Static Universe Type Inference using a SAT-Solver}},
   month = jun,
   note = {Master's thesis}

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