Question 1
Find the least squares curve which fits the exponential data:
x = (0.029, 0.098, 0.213, 0.352, 0.376, 0.393, 0.473, 0.639, 0.855, 0.909)T
y = (2.313, 2.235, 2.094, 1.949, 1.924, 1.907, 1.828, 1.674, 1.493, 1.451)T
Answer: y = 2.3492e-0.53033x.
Question 2.
Find the least squares curve which fits the exponential data:
x = (0.228, 0.266, 0.268, 0.345, 0.351, 0.543, 0.667, 0.942, 0.959, 0.991)T
y = (0.239, 0.196, 0.218, 0.173, 0.188, 0.090, 0.057, 0.022, 0.026, 0.019)T
Answer: y = 0.52118 e-3.27260 x.
Copyright ©2005 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder. All rights reserved.