In this project, you will work with defining tasks. You will implement a divide-and-conquer algorithm where the conquer component will be performed through creating a separate task.
First, you will implement quicksort on an array of unsorted unsigned 8-bit integers (unsigned char). Each time there are two sub-arrays to sort, the current task will sort one, while a new task will be generated to start the second.
Now, while quicksort is very efficient at sorting large arrays (where the run-time is Θ(n ln(n))), it is not very efficient at sorting short lists (the coefficients swamp the higher-order coefficients of other algorithms). You will have to choose a more efficient non-recursive non-divide-and-conquer in-place algorithm for sorting very short lists. Short may be arrays of size 10 or arrays of size 50, depending on the efficiency of your implementation. You will have to determine at which point your algorithm should be calling the non-recursive function.
You are welcome to read up on the implementation of introsort; however, you are also welcome to use any other in-place sorting algorithms such as insertion sort, bubble sort, selection sort, or shell sort. Your code must document your choices.
Ten percent of your grade will be based on how long it takes to sort large arrays relative to your peers when you use the semaphore implementation of your algorithm.
You will be required to implement quicksort using two approaches:
In whichever approach you use in the second case, you will have to somehow signal to the parent that the child is finished. You may do this either by changing priorities or by assigning to a variable that is being watched by the parent.
Normally, you simply choose one value to be a pivot; however, this is somewhat sub-optimal, as on average it divides the array into a ratio of 3:1. Ideally, you would want to divide the array into two that are equal in size, that is 1:1. However, if you choose a pivot just by picking one (say, the middle entry), you would then proceed as follows:
To see how you can speed this up, please see my slides and notes on using the median-of-three for quicksort at at 8.06.Quicksort.pptx and 8.06.Quicksort.pdf.
In the source directory, you will notice a number of files.
array_tools.c array_tools.h main.c quicksort.c quicksort.h uart.c
The uart.c is an updated version of that file. Please download it. The array_tools library consists of functions that we will use to generate random arrays and to check that the arrays you return are sorted.
The main.c file will be the one we use to test your code, and the quicksort library files will be what you use to implement your version of quicksort. Please note, that the function quicksort takes a structure as an argument: it is an array structure that has two fields: a pointer to a character array and the length of that character array. Please see the arraytools header file to see the actual field names.
You will have to use the RTX RTOS in this project, and therefore you will have become familiar with the use of the operating system. You can read about all of the functions in the
RL-ARM User's Guide Library Reference
Specifically, you will have to set up your μVision target options. In μVision, after you create your project, you must select the Project→Options for Target 'Target_name'... (Alt+F7 or the icon.) Here, you will select RTX Kernel in the Operating system: drop-down box. You will also need to select Use MicroLIB. We will not need the additional memory we did in Project 2, so you need not make any additional changes to the Read/Only or Read/Write Memory Areas.
Next, you will have to include an additional file in your project: the RTX_Conf_CM.c file, which you can find in the RTX_BLINKY sub-directory of the directories containing files relevant to the board we are using, specifically, somewhere under Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCB1700. Be sure to include this in your project. You will have to edit this configuration file.
As an aside, the name of the file stands for configuration and the CM is for Cortext-M; however, you will note that the name of the file, as recorded in the file itself, is RTX_CONFIG.C.
When you open the RTX_Conf_CM.c file for editing inside μVision, you will see the Configuration Wizard tab at the bottom of the file. Select this wizard, as it is much easier to edit it than the source file itself. Any change you make in this configuration wizard will be reflect in the source file as soon as you make the change.
You will see three entries in the configuration wizard:
For the first, you may have to choose an appropriate stack size for your tasks, as well as choosing an appropriate number of concurrently running tasks. You may also want to check for the stack overflow while you are testing, but not when you are getting your code timed.
One thing you will have to modify is the Tick Timer Configuration. By default, Timer tick value [us] is 10000, indicating 10000 μs or every 10 ms. In order to time these tasks, we will need a much more refined clock, one that ticks every 10 μs, so change this value to 10.
If you recall previously, we had to look at the configuration wizard of startup_LPC17xx.s where we set the stack and heap sizes. The stack specified in that file was the stack associated with the void main( void ) function, while the size of the stack for any task you create using the operating system functions has a stack is specified in the RTX_Conf_CM.c file.
Note: we have only discussed this in class at a very peripheral level, but you may try to see whether or not your code speeds up if you select Run in privileged mode. You shouldn't try this until you are ensured that your code works.
The following returns true if an array is sorted, and false otherwise. It is implemented in the arraytools library.
#include <stdbool.h> bool is_sorted( int *array, size_t n ) { int i; for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i ) { if ( array[i - 1] > array[i] ) { return false; } } return true; }
Jon L. Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy, Engineering a Sort Function, Software—practice and experience, Vol. 23(11), 1249-1265 (Nov 93).