Topic 14.8: Higher-Order Initial-Value Problems (HOWTO)

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Given the IVP

y(n)(t) = f( t, y(t), y(1)(t), y(2)(t), ..., y(n − 1)(t) )
y(t0) = y0
y(1)(t0) = y0(1)
y(2)(t0) = y0(2)

y(n − 1)(t0) = y0(n − 1)

approximate y(t1).


The function f(t, y, y(t), y(1)(t), y(2)(t), ..., y(n − 1)(t)) should be continuous in all variables.


We will convert the nth-order IVP into a system of 1st-order IVPs and then use the techniques we have seen for IVPs.



y0(t) = y(t)   
y1(t) = y(1)(t)
y2(t) = y(2)(t)

yn − 1(t) = y(n − 1)(t)


y0(t0) = y0   
y1(t0) = y0(1)
y2(t0) = y0(2)

yn − 1(t0) = y0(n − 1)

Next, define the vector-valued function

the vector-valued function

and the initial vector

we may now write the nth-order IVP as the 1st-order IVP

y(1)(t) = f( t, y(t) )
y(t0) = y0

We may now use all the techniques we have used for 1st-order IVPs, only now, to vectors instead of scalars.

Copyright ©2005 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder. All rights reserved.