Week 1: Course Overview

Introduction slides here: download
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Week 2: Course overview continued
Detecting Performance Anti-patterns for Applications Developed Using Object-Relational Mapping
Tse-Hsun Chen, Weiyi Shang, Zhen Ming Jiang, and Ahmed E. Hassan
slides here: download
Week 3: Empirical studies on data from large-scale software systems
Understanding and detecting real-world performance bugs
Guoliang Jin, Linhai Song, Xiaoming Shi, Joel Scherpelz, Shan Lu
Studying the Relationship between Logging Characteristics and the Code Quality of Platform Software
Weiyi Shang, Meiyappan Nagappan and Ahmed E. Hassan
The Impact of Code Review Coverage and Code Review Participation on Software Quality: A Case Study of the Qt, VTK, and ITK Projects
Shane McIntosh, Yasutaka Kamei, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan
Week 4
Project proposal DUE Sunday night 11:59 pm (3 pages IEEE report)
Week 5: Log analysis
Leveraging Performance Counters and Execution Logs to Diagnose Memory-Related Performance Issues
Mark D. Syer, Zhen Ming Jiang, Meiyappan Nagappan, Ahmed E. Hassan, Mohamed Nasser and Parminder Flora
Automatic Identification of Load Testing Problems
Zhen Ming Jiang, Ahmed E. Hassan, Parminder Flora, and Gilbert Hamann
Visual, Log-based Causal Tracing for Performance Debugging of MapReduce Systems
Jiaqi Tan, Soila Kavulya, Rajeev Gandhi Priya Narasimha
Week 6: Performance Engineering
vPerfGuard: an Automated Model-Driven Framework for Application Performance Diagnosis in Consolidated Cloud Environment
Pengcheng Xiong, Calton Pu, Xiaoyun Zhu, Rean Griffith
Mining Performance Regression Testing Repositories for Automated Performance Analysis
King Chun Foo, Zhen Ming Jiang, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan, Ying Zou and Parminder Flora
Capturing, indexing, clustering, and retrieving system history
Ira Cohen, Steve Zhang, Moises Goldszmidt, Julie Symons, Terence Kelly, and Armando Fox
Week 7: Tutorial
R and modeling Hands on
Week 8: Assignment Presentation
Assignment DUE Monday 10AM (3 pages IEEE report)
Week 9: Project Update
Project Update Presentation (10 mins presentation)
Week 10: Logging code analysis
Detecting Large-Scale System Problems by Mining Console Logs
Wei Xu, Ling Huang, Armando Fox, David Patterson, Michael Jordan
Improving Software Diagnosability via Log Enhancement
Ding Yuan, Jing Zheng, Soyeon Park, Yuanyuan Zhou, and Stefan Savage
Leveraging Existing Instrumentation to Automatically Infer Invariant-Constrained Models
Ivan Beschastnikh, Yuriy Brun, Sigurd Schneider, Michael Sloan, Michael D. Ernst
Week 12: Code analysis for performance improvement
Toddler: Detecting Performance Problems via Similar Memory-Access Patterns
Adrian Nistor, Linhai Song, Darko Marinov, and Shan Lu
Subsuming Methods: Finding New Optimisation Opportunities in Object-Oriented Software
David Maplesden, Ewan Tempero, John Hosking, John C. Grundy
CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers Configure Caching Frameworks for Hibernate-based Database-centric Web Applications
Tse-Hsun Chen, Weiyi Shang, and Ahmed E. Hassan, Mohamed Nasser, and Parminder Flora
Week 13: Configuration and the end
Hey, You Have Given Me Too Many Knobs!
Tianyin Xu, Long Jin, Xuepeng Fan, Yuanyuan Zhou, Shankar Pasupathy, and Rukma Talwadker
Automated Diagnosis of Software Configuration Errors
Sai Zhang and Michael D. Ernst
The Making of Cloud Applications � An Empirical Study on Software Development for the Cloud
J�rgen Cito, Philipp Leitner, Thomas Fritz, and Harald C. Gall
Week 14: Project Presentations
Project Presentation DUE (20 mins presentation)
Project Report DUE (10 page IEEE report)