Circuit_macro examples, Version 10.7.5Home > ExamplesThese diagrams are in svg format, obtained by first producing pdf using pdflatex and then converting using dvisvgm --pdf. The pdf equivalent can be found in examples.pdf. Sources for producing similar figures as svg using dpic -v without invoking LaTeX or equivalent can be found in examples/dpv of the the distribution or here. Click on the link to view the source of each diagram. Read the manual Circuit_macros.pdf for a complete explanation. Browse and enjoy! quick.m4: The quick-start example from the manual Resistors.m4: Resistors, showing some variations and the ebox Capacitors.m4: Capacitors Inductors.m4: Inductors Diodes.m4: Diodes: appending a K to the second argument draws an open arrowhead Emarrows.m4: Radiation arrows Variable.m4: Arrows and marks for showing variability Sources.m4: Sources and source-like elements AmpTable.m4: Macros amp, delay, and integrator Fuses.m4: Macros fuse, cbreaker, and jumper Arresters.m4: The arrester macro MoreTable.m4: Additional two-terminal elements Grounds.m4: Ground symbols Antennas.m4: Antenna symbols Switches.m4: The switch macros; switch(,,,L|B|D) is a wrapper for lswitch, bswitch, and dswitch Opamp.m4: The opamp Audio.m4: Audio elements Xform.m4: Some variations of the transformer element, drawing direction down NPDT.m4: Double throw with the NPDT macro Contact.m4: A non-exhaustive sampling of contact macro variations Contacts.m4: The contacts macro relaycoil.m4: The relaycoil macro Relay.m4: Some variants of relay Jack.m4: The jack and plug macros Conn.m4: The tstrip, ccoax, tconn, and tbox macros Pconn.m4: The pconnex macro cbresistor.m4: Color-coded through-hole resistors. All are 10 percent tolerance except the last, which illustrates 5 percent EVplugs.m4: Electric vehicle charging plug patterns make extensive use of key=value pairs to set options Headers.m4: The Header macro Connectors.m4: Some connectors with simple geometry and lists of labels Chips.m4: IC package outlines and examples fet.m4: FETs, showing programmable components and example customizations ujt.m4: UJT examples thyristor.m4: Thyristor examples. The thyristor is a 3- or 4-terminal composite element Bip.m4: Bipolar transistors (drawing direction: up) Tgate.m4: The tgate and ptrans elements Nport.m4: The nport and nterm macros NLG.m4: Some customizations of nport Windings.m4: The macro winding(L|R,diam,pitch,turns,core wid,core color) ex01.m4: Two simple labeled circuits Optoiso.m4: Optical isolator: a circuit with right or left orientation pwrsupply.m4: An elementary power supply circuit with colored elements, and a multiple-winding transformer with 3-phase rectifier PS50.m4: An unregulated 50V power supply Reg723.m4: A 723 regulator circuit with a heat sink Mixer.m4: A balanced mixer, using mosfet and a custom transformer PushPull.m4: A push-pull mixer, showing FETs with multiple gates Quantum.m4: A quantum circuit and a superconducting quantum interface device (drawing direction down) Sixpole.m4: A six-pole filter ex18.m4: Precision half-wave rectifier and a tunnel diode circuit (illustrating opamp, diode, resistor, ground, and labels) ex10.m4: Non-planar graph and bistable circuit (illustrating the crossover macro and colored elements) Three.m4: Three-phase oscillator MC.m4: A three-phase switched AC-AC converter and a DC-DC converter ex12.m4: A CMOS NAND gate, a test circuit, and an XMOSFET example TTLnand.m4: TTL NAND gate illustrating a transistor with multiple emitters I2L.m4: Gate circuit and equivalent embedded I2L components illustrating multiple collectors Schottky.m4: A 4-input NAND circuit illustrating the S (Schottky) option of bi_trans ex11.m4: Transistor radio audio chain LT3724.m4: IC controller and auxiliary elements of a step-down converter ex04.m4: Labels on non-manhattan elements Drive.m4: Synchronous machine driven by variable-speed drive and rectifier Csource.m4: Realization of a controlled source (illustrating stacked element labels) ex16.m4: A rate 1/2 binary convolutional coder and its state diagram ex03.m4: Digital filter MotorControl.m4: Motor control connections OneLine.m4: Single line distribution diagram Heathkit.m4: The power supply of a Heathkit AR-15 (Now, that was a receiver!) with custom transformer and other elements, drawn on a grid (partially shown) to aid in placement lcct.m4: A digital circuit of moderate size, redrawn from M. P. Maclenan and G. M. Burns, "An Approach to Drawing Circuit Diagrams for Text Books," Tugboat (12)1, March 1991, pp. 66-69 UNO.m4: An Arduino UNO circuit adapted and redrawn Tubediags.m4: Electron-tube diagrams: a few bottom-view base diagrams, a generic triode test circuit, and a 25-watt audio amplifier adapted from F. Langford-Smith, Radiotron Designer's Handbook, fourth edition, Harrison, NJ: Radio Corporation of America, 1952 sfg.m4: Signal-flow graphs Logic.m4: Basic logic gates ex08.m4: General-purpose latch: a small logic circuit Decoder.m4: Decoder logic, constructed using the for_ macro ex21.m4: Some flip-flops Multiplexer.m4: Multiplexer Demultiplexer.m4: Demultiplexer ShiftR.m4: A 5-bit shift register drawn using a custom flip-flop Adder.m4: A full adder and a cascade of n-bit adders CanLogic.m4: A way of automatically drawing two-layer logic diagrams Alogix.m4: The Autologix(Boolean expression; Boolean expression... , options) macro automatically draws Boolean expressions in function notation. The function tree is drawn, then a row or column of inputs, then the connections. The default result is on the left, a custom element at the top, and a tree of gates only is shown on the right. ABlogix.m4: The Autologix macro can draw inputs on the left but the added drawing complexity may require hand tuning with second-argument options: L puts the inputs on the left, R reverses their order, V scans the input arguments in reverse order, and offset=value displaces the array of inputs XOR.m4: Realizations of the XOR function using Autologix EEP.m4: A test of single-line diagram macros ex05.m4: Use of darrow and Darc GrayCode.m4: The power of looping and branching: Gray code 10-bit encoder disk pattern and a crossbar switch control.m4: Control-system block diagrams Byte.m4: Elementary splines Sevensegment.m4: A customizable seven-segment display showing the numbered segments, a custom shape, and the numerals from 0 to 9 Rotbox.m4: The macro rotbox(wid,ht,type,[r|t=val]) draws a box in the current direction Shadowed.m4: Embellishments: the top row illustrates shadowed(box|circle|ellipse|line,[at position],keys) and the second row ColoredV(box|circle|ellipse,(r,g,b)|((colorseq)),attributes) Loglog.m4: A graph and crosshatching example drawn using the pic language Geometry.m4: Some geometrical constructions Smithchart.m4: A Smith chart ex09.m4: Illustrating the macro dimension_(linespec, offset, label, D|H|W|blank width, tic offset,<-|->). A negative second argument implies an offset to the right of the linespec direction. A label starting with " or sprintf is copied literally. If label is an s_box(...) then setting argument 4 to H, W, or D tailors the blank width to the s_box height, width, or diagonal respectively; i.e., W is equivalent to s_wd+textoffset*2. The macro arcdimension_ is similar but the first argument specifies the arc to be dimensioned and the second argument is the outward radial offset of the dimension arrow arc. Plate.m4: Dimensioning with tolerances random.m4: Testing random number generation using dpic macro randn(array name, n, mean, std dev) which calls pic built-in rand() exp.m4: Test of project and other lib3D macros, showing the projection of a solid onto the y1,z1 plane by sighting along the x1 axis. graysurf.m4: Plotting surfaces using gray scales shapes.m4: Basic shapes csc.m4: Conestoga Sailing Club (illustrating the filling of arbitrary shapes) and an antique clock face with shading and rotated text rose.m4: The left object, used for testing dipic, is redrawn from a detail of the set design for the musical Dracula. This consumes much LaTeX main memory but can be produced directly as pdf using dpic -d, as svg using dpic -v, or as postscript using dpic -r since no text formatting is required. The right object adjusts the size of dots to produce a halftone effect diamond.m4: Variations on M. Goossens, S. Rahtz, and F. Mittelbach, The LaTeX Graphics Companion, Addison-Wesley 1997, pp. 57-58 worm.m4: An exercise in calculating RGB colours Buttons.m4: Shading in color keyboard.m4: This diagram has been produced as svg with dpic -v (then converted to pdf for inclusion in examples.pdf) Dini.m4: Dini surface, an icosahedron, and a sphere with inscribed cylinder Sierpinski.m4: The Sierpinski triangle and a Cayley graph: tests of pic macro recursion Escher.m4: Penrose stairs and an Escher-like object recycle.m4: Modest repetition and partial fill ex15.m4: Simple diagrams that are easily drawn by looping Crow.m4: Illustrating shadebox and a custom crowfoot line termination Flow.m4: A flowchart sampler Btree.m4: Trees Incleps.m4: Overlaying a figure with line graphics
Dwight Aplevich
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