The following are implementations of the various sorting algorithms
with comments. They include:
- A basic algorithm,
- A reasonably optimized array-based algorithm, and
- A reasonably optimized pointer-based algorithm.
Improvements are welcome and will be appropriately referenced: improvements
to the basic algorithm include any changes which better demonstrate the algorithm,
while improvements to the optimized algorithms require a reasonable increase in
speed or decrease in memory usage.
Each function has two calling sequences:
- sort( Type *array, int n )
- sort( Type *array, int lower, int upper )
- sort( Type *lower, Type *upper )
where in the first case, n is the size of the array; in the
second, the array is to be sorted on the range lower, ..., upper inclusive; and
in the third, the two point to the bounds of the addresses to be sorted inclusive. In
general, the first algorithm calls either algorithm_internal( array, 0, n - 1 )
or algorithm_internal( array, array + n - 1 ), respectively.
The namespace structure is as follows:
- All objects are within the Sorting_algorithms namespace,
- Each algorithm is within the appropriate Sorting_algorithm::Algorithm_name namespace, and
- Each algorithm has up to three implementations, represented by classes, for a basic implementation, an
enhanced array-based implementation, and an enhanced pointer-based implementation.
A testing framework has also been developed. The guidelines for
the three implementations--basic, array, and pointer--are that:
- The basic implementation demonstrates most clearly the
algorithm with no optimizations,
- The enhanced array-based implementation makes various
improvements but is still array based and does not use
any side effects, e.g., array[i]; ++i;
is preferred to array[i++];, and
- The enhanced pointer-based implementation has no such
The interfaces depend upon the following grid:
Class-based |
Procedural |
Basic |
void Sorting_algorithms::Named_sort::Basic:: sort( Type *array, int n ) |
void named_sort( Type *array, int n ) |
Enhanced Array- based |
void Sorting_algorithms::Named_sort::Array:: sort( Type *array, int n ) sort( Type *array, int a, int b ) |
void named_sort( Type *array, int n ) named_sort( Type *array, int a, int b ) |
Enhanced Pointer- based |
void Sorting_algorithms::Named_sort::Pointer:: sort( Type *array, int n ) sort( Type *array, int a, int b ) sort( Type *first, Type *last ) |
void named_sort( Type *array, int n ) named_sort( Type *array, int a, int b ) named_sort( Type *first, Type *last ) |
To Do
Shell sort, iterative merge sort, radix sort with more than two values, introspective sort, and bucket sort.