A ternary heap is a heap stored with a complete ternary tree: each node has up to three children
and the nodes are filled in a breadth-first traversal order. An example of a complete ternary tree is
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. A complete ternary tree with 59 nodes.
Here is the class description:
Ternary Heap
class Ternary_heap<Type>
bool empty() const
Returns true if the ternary heap is empty. (Θ(1))
int size() const
The size function returns the number of objects stored within the ternary heap. (Θ(1))
int capacity() const
The capacity function returns the current capacity of the array storing the ternary heap. The
capacity is doubled when the heap is filled and halved when the heap is one quarter full. (Θ(1))
int count( K const &key ) const
The count function returns the number of instances of key. (O(n))
Type top() const
Returns a copy of the object on top of the heap. (Θ(1))
void push( Type const &obj )
The push function inserts the object into the heap. (amortized Θ(1))
void pop() const
The pop function removes the top object from the heap. (Θ(ln(n)))
void clear() const
The clear function removes all objects from the ternary heap. (Θ(1))