ECE-250 – Algorithms and Data Structures
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Course Slides

Course Slides

“Pre-lecture” are sets to be reviewed before class; they will normally be incomplete (or rather, abridged), with tricky/open questions for you to give it a try beforehand.

During the class, a more complete set of slides will be used, hopefully answering all the open issues with the pre-lecture slides, and these will be posted as “post-lecture” slides.

Slides for next lecture

For convenience, you'll always have the link to the slides for the upcoming class (so that you don't need to keep scrolling — more and more as the course progresses):

Next class pre-lecture slides

Slides and related reading

Pre-lecture Post-lecture Related reading (optional)
N/A 2012-01-04 — Introduction --
2012-01-06 Math review (some details fixed) Mark Allen Weiss' Section 1.2
2012-01-09 Mathematical Induction Mark Allen Weiss' Section 1.2.5
Wikipedia's page on Mathematical Induction
2012-01-11 Mathematical proofs Wikipedia's page on Mathematical Proofs
2012-01-13 Asymptotic analysis (a few details fixed, 2012-01-17) CLRS – Chapter 3
Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 2
2012-01-16 Asymptotic analysis (cont'd) (a few details added, 2012-01-17) CLRS – Chapter 3
Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 2
2012-01-18 (12:30) Algorithm analysis Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 2
CLRS – Section 2.2
2012-01-18 (4:30) Containers and relations (couple of details added, 2012-01-19)
and typo fixed (2012-01-20)
Wikipedia: Total Order, Partial Order, Equivalence Relations, Strict Weak Ordering
2012-01-20 Sequential containers Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 3 (Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 3.7)
CLRS – Section 10.1
2012-01-23 Sequential containers (cont'd) Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 3 (Sections 3.2, 3.5, and optionally 3.3)
CLRS – Section 10.2
2012-01-25 Hash tables Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 5 (chapter 5 covers all the material that we'll cover over the next three classes)
CLRS – Chapter 11 (same comment as above)
2012-01-27 Hash tables (cont'd) Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 5;   CLRS – Chapter 11
2012-01-30 Hash tables – Linear probing Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 5;   CLRS – Chapter 11
2012-02-01 (12:30) Hash tables – Double hashing Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 5;   CLRS – Chapter 11
Not necessary 2012-02-01 (4:30) – Trees (intro) Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 4
2012-02-03 2012-02-03 – Tree implementations and traversals (typo fixed, 2012-02-03-8:30PM) Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 4
2012-02-06 2012-02-06 – Binary trees Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 4
2012-02-08 2012-02-08 – Binary search trees Mark Allen Weiss' Chapter 4;   CLRS – Chapter 12
Not necessary 2012-02-10 – Case-studies (expression trees, data compression) + if we have enough time, we'll look at some preliminaries on balancing binary search trees Mark Allen Weiss' Section 4.2.2 for Expression trees; (if you're curious about Huffman coding and data compression — not part of the course material!)
2012-02-13 Balanced BSTs / AVL Trees Mark Allen Weiss' Section 4.4
Not necessary 2012-02-15 – AVL Trees + example/case-study Mark Allen Weiss' Section 4.4
N/A Review and information/tips for the midterm PLEASE SEE NOTE AT THE BEGINNING (AT THE TOP) OF THIS PAGE!
N/A 2012-03-05 – M-Way and B-Trees Mark Allen Weiss' Section 4.7;  Professor Harder's slides on B-Trees
2012-03-07 (12:30) Sorting algorithms (intro) Professor Harder's course notes: Intro to sorting, Insertion sort, Merge sort
2012-03-07 (4:30) Priority queues and Heaps Professor Harder's course notes: Priority queues, Binary heaps
2012-03-09 Heap sort Professor Harder's notes: Heap sort
2012-03-12 Quick sort Complete quick sort example (copy-n-pasted directly from Prof. Harder's slides
Prof. Harder's course notes
    Notice that for all the sorting algorithms and Heaps topics, you have the relevant sections on Mark Allen Weiss textbook and also on CLRS.
Not necessary 2012-03-14 – Graphs (intro) Mark Allen Weiss' section 9.1
2012-03-16 Topological sort Mark Allen Weiss' section 9.2
2012-03-19 Dijkstra's algorithm Mark Allen Weiss' section 9.3.2
2012-03-21 Minimum spanning trees Mark Allen Weiss' section 9.5
2012-03-26 Graphs – implementation tips --
2012-03-28 NP-completeness --
2012-03-30 Algorithm design techniques --
2012-04-02 Review and tips for the final